How to fit a false tail...

How to attach a false tail?

Our customers often love the overall appearance of a false tail, whether it be for show ring finish, or just to help your horse with the overwhelming flies at this time of the year when lacking in the hair department!

I've pulled together the following step-by-step guide to expertly a false tail:
Step 1: Feel for the end of the dock area, part the hair, and take a section of hair from the inside (middle) area. You'll need around 1cm of hair (in width) Start to plait down, plait about 1 inches.

Step 2: Take one of the 3 strands from the plait and feed it through the cotton loop at the top of the false tail.

Step 3: Continue to plait for approx 2 more inches below where the false tail has been attached. Remember to plait very tight to avoid slips.

Step 4: Sew the end of the plait with our linen coated thread, making sure the end of the plait is secure and the false tail is held in securely.

Step 5: I always run a couple of stitches through the fabric loop at the top of the false tail to be super confident in the fitting.

Step 6: Shake the tail well to blend them together.

Step 7: For show ponies, get your liveryman flare clippers out, pull the tail tight and about 2 inches below the hock shave the tail for an immaculate look. I always used to start with the cut longer and keep looking when pony is walking as to how much shorter you need to go.

Hint's & Tip's: Keep the false tail in a protective tail bag in between uses. This will keep the tail in perfect condition without kinks. It's also a good idea to wash the tail in between uses (if soiled) so it's ready for the show ring again.