SHOWPONYPREP® are proud sponsors of the following ...


Team Jinks
David Jinks & Adam Forster

Team Jinks need no introduction, they are one of the best Show Pony / Horse Producers in the UK and have an enviable show record across an array of different classes.

David & Adam are returning for the fourth year as Showponyprep Sponsored Producers and will be showcasing our Luxury Browbands and various other products on all of their show animals and riders. We are super pleased to have them as part of the team and look forward to seeing their show animals strutting their stuff down many centre lines wearing our products!



Vikki Smith
Vikki is based in Lancashire and has been a professional producer for 9 years and has had success at every county and major show including Horse Of the Year Show and the Royal International Horse Show.

Vikki rides various types in classes of both horses and ponies, from Working Hunter Ponies to Mountain & Moorlands and Traditional Gypsy Cobs. Vikki is also a panel judge and enjoys teaching at clinics across the country trying helping others achieve their goals.
Team Ahern


More to be added shortly